Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis (CATMA) – An undogmatic approach to corpus analysis and Germany's literary super heroes

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4 septembre 2018

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Mareike K Schumacher, « Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis (CATMA) – An undogmatic approach to corpus analysis and Germany's literary super heroes », Digital Literary Stylistics (SIG-DLS), ID : 10.58079/nt4u


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Do you know CATMA? Not yet? Then read the following blog. Do you think you know CATMA? It's still a good idea to read the following blog... CATMA is a web-application for text markup and analysis. Its central function is annotating, analyzing and visualizing one or multiple texts. CATMA has been around since 2008. When the implementation of the web-application CATMA started in 2008, the focus was to create a tool for digital close reading. Although there always has been the possibility to ...

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