Thinking the Earth with the Body: How the Anatomist Nicolaus Steno (1638–1686) Read History in the Earth's Strata

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3 septembre 2023

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Frontier troubles Annals Earth

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maximeguttin1, « Thinking the Earth with the Body: How the Anatomist Nicolaus Steno (1638–1686) Read History in the Earth's Strata », EUI | History of Science, ID : 10.58079/ol3k


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A talk by Nuno-Castel Branco In Sala del Torrino (Villa Salviati) 19 April 2023, 15:00 - 17:00 CEST Nicola Steno's Principles of Stratigraphy (1669)   Abstract: In 1669, Nicolaus Steno (1638–1686) argued that the Earth has a history and that this history can be known through a series of rules today known as "Steno Principles of Stratigraphy." This presentation shows that Steno’s research on the Earth is intrinsically related to his anatomical studies of the body. Most accounts a...

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