24 avril 2017
Bulletin électronique de l'Institut d'étude de l'islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (ISMM)
« Call for Papers : "II Forum of Researchers in Islamic Contexts" (University of Lisbon, 28 and 29 September 2017) - LIMITE : May 2, 2017 », Bulletin électronique de l'Institut d'étude de l'islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (ISMM), ID : 10.58079/q01z
The first Forum of Researchers in Islamic Contexts (FRIC) was held in January 2013. That year, we wanted to survey the studies that were documenting what appeared to us as a major transformation in the way of looking at the Arab and Islamic world. Today, so often in the hustle and bustle of generalizations and commonplaces, Islam holds a captive place in our mediated and Eurocentric daily lives. But the curiosity about Islam, which we perceived to be happening at the beginning of this decade...