Parution : Bayram Balci, Islam in Central Asia and the Caucasus Since the Fall of the Soviet Union, Hurst Publishers, 2018

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19 octobre 2018

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique, « Parution : Bayram Balci, Islam in Central Asia and the Caucasus Since the Fall of the Soviet Union, Hurst Publishers, 2018 », Bulletin électronique de l'Institut d'étude de l'islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (ISMM), ID : 10.58079/q0ne


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A tour d’horizon of the role Islam plays in politics and the private sphere in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Description With the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, a major turning point in all former Soviet republics, Central Asian and Caucasian countries began to reflect on their history and identities. As a consequence of their opening up to the global exchange of ideas, various strains of Islam and trends in Islamic thought have nourished the Islamic revival that had already starte...

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