Identité sexuée et pouvoir : Genre et classe sociale, sexualité, citoyenneté, nation et colonialisme. Kathleen M. Brown, Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs : Gender, Race and Power in Colonial Virginia (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1996) ; Catherine Hall, Civilising Subjects : Metropole and Colony in the British Imagination, 1830-1867 (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2002) ; Adele Perry, On the Edge of Empire : Gender, Race and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871 (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2001) ; Mary Louise Roberts, Disruptive Acts : The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2002) ; Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History : Men, Women and Historical Practice (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1998) ; Angela Woolacott, To Try Her Fortune in London : Australian Women, Colonialism and Modernity (New York, Oxford University Press, 2001).

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Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française ; vol. 57 no. 4 (2004)




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Suzanne Morton, « Identité sexuée et pouvoir : Genre et classe sociale, sexualité, citoyenneté, nation et colonialisme. Kathleen M. Brown, Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs : Gender, Race and Power in Colonial Virginia (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1996) ; Catherine Hall, Civilising Subjects : Metropole and Colony in the British Imagination, 1830-1867 (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2002) ; Adele Perry, On the Edge of Empire : Gender, Race and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871 (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2001) ; Mary Louise Roberts, Disruptive Acts : The New Woman in Fin-de-Siècle France (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2002) ; Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History : Men, Women and Historical Practice (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1998) ; Angela Woolacott, To Try Her Fortune in London : Australian Women, Colonialism and Modernity (New York, Oxford University Press, 2001). », Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, ID : 10.7202/009644ar


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