CEF-ESTIM grid: a European tool for foreign language teachers

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26 octobre 2009

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Claire Tardieu, « CEF-ESTIM grid: a European tool for foreign language teachers », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.0ag83r


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The CEF-ESTIM grid aims to help teachers link their class activities to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels. It is an offspring of the DUTCH CEFR Grid project led by J. Charles Alderson (Lancaster University) and financed by the Dutch government in 2003-2004. The outcome of this former project, apart from a published report, is an online tool in two skills, oral and written comprehension, to help testers and exam makers link their tests to the CEFR levels. The CEF-ESTIM grid addresses wider perspectives. The aim is both to add to the reading and listening skills productive and interactive use of language and to reflect better the work in the classroom. In estimating tasks that require production and interaction or even mediation, the CEF-ESTIM grid does not support a detailed description as in the case of reading and listening but suggests only an overall estimation of the level at which a pupil/student can cope with the task . This estimation doesn't have to do with actual student performances but with a probable minimum level at which a pupil/student can cope with the task (for instance reading an e-mail, writing a postcard, presenting an argument and so on). In addition The CEF-ESTIM grid helps teachers keep in mind that the notion of level is flexible. Within a text or within activities several levels may be encountered. The issue is less to pinpoint a level than to give a probable range of levels. More generally, the CEF-ESTIM grid will give teachers support in making them aware of the various characteristics of their class activities in relation to the CEFR.

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