Isabelle Dupin et al., « Première année de fonctionnement du parcours accès spécifique santé (PASS) de l’Université de Bordeaux : caractérisation et identification des facteurs de réussite pour la validation du PASS et l’entrée dans la filière médecine », Pédagogie médicale, ID : 10670/1.0dea4e...
Context: The reform of the first year of healthcare studies defined in the decree of November 4, 2019 replaced the PACES (première année commune aux études de santé/common first year to health studies) with a new system, allowing access to studies in medicine, pharmacy, odontology, maieutics and physiotherapy to students through various previous training programs. At the University of Bordeaux, a dual system of PASS (parcours accès spécifique santé/specific access to health training) and L.AS (licences accès santé/bachelor’s degrees with access to health studies) has been set up. As the L.AS was in the minority for this first year of implementation of the reform, we have focused our analysis on PASS students in 2020–2021 and their access to medical studies. Methods: The evaluation of this first year of PASS was based on the academic results of the written tests of the two semesters (number of validated teaching units, validation/failure of the PASS, eligibility for the entry into healthcare studies) and the oral tests (success in the multiple mini-interviews, admission into medical studies). Results and conclusion: The main success factor for the validation of the PASS and for entry into medical studies was identified as the level of education upon admission to the university, measured by the “mention”, based on the student’s grades, in the baccalaureate exam. The social/economic category is also highly determinant in the validation of the PASS, independently of the academic level. The results also show that the heterogeneity of the results according to the disciplinary option chosen in the PASS and to the geographical site is mainly linked to disparities in the grades on admission to the PASS.