A behavioural approach to understanding the artist as entrepreneur

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26 mai 2021


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Bronwyn Coate et al., « A behavioural approach to understanding the artist as entrepreneur », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.4324/9781003018674-10


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"This chapter presents a behavioural approach to understanding the artist as a particular type of entrepreneur. With the continued development of the field of arts entrepreneurship that links the pursuits of both artistry and entrepreneurship, this chapter discusses the behavioural similarities between artists and entrepreneurs in three key dimensions: tolerance for risk, creative disposition and intrinsic motivation. We discuss evidence regarding each of these from a disparate literature across a range of disciplines including economics, psychology, neuroscience and sociology. A clearer understanding of the ‘artepreneur’ emerges, with relevance for both policy makers and practitioners. In particular, behavioural insights regarding the similarities and differences between artists and entrepreneurs can assist in developing non-regulatory interventions towards individual behavioural change. Encouraging both creative and entrepreneurial behaviours allows the arts and culture flourish and nurtures innovation more generally."

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