Green IT Logistics in a Greek Retailer: Grand Successes and Minor Failures

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27 juin 2013

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Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou et al., « Green IT Logistics in a Greek Retailer: Grand Successes and Minor Failures », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-642-38862-0_9


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Environmental sustainability is one of the issues that organizations need to face today. Nevertheless, Green IT practices have their disadvantages, especially financial ones, which make the green logistic topic controversial to organizations. Achieving zero emissions while receiving financial benefits is idealistic thus companies need to adapt specific green strategies according to their particular needs. This study analyzes a specific company in terms of its green logistics strategy in order to discover any shortcomings and to depict how issues from literature review can influence the operation of the organization. This company is a super market chain dominant in the market of northern Greece. Focusing on the e-logistics of the firm, issues such as warehouse management system, inventory control, transportation, distribution and reverse logistics are examined in combination with the environmental consciousness. Our results could be useful to companies looking to exploit Green IT logistics.

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