Spanish experimental version of the State-Trait Depression Questionnaire (ST-DEP: Trait sub-scale (T-DEP)

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International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

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Hugo Carretero Dios et al., « Spanish experimental version of the State-Trait Depression Questionnaire (ST-DEP: Trait sub-scale (T-DEP) », International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, ID : 10670/1.0vn9md


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"This study presents the first validity and reliability data for the trait subscale,T-Dep, of the Spanish Experimental Version of the State and Trait DepressionQuestionnaire, ST-Dep: Euthymia and Dysthymia (Ritterband and Spielberger, 1996;Spielberger, 1999). The data were obtained from a sample of 264 university students.The internal consistency values for the T-Dep were high (.95). The convergent validityindexes for the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery, 1979), theZung Self-Rating Depression Scale (Zung, 1965), and the Peñate Basic DepressionQuestionnaire (Peñate, 2001) were also high, with indexes ranging from .68 to .82. Thecorrelation between State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, Gorsuch, and Luschene,1970) and all scales used in this study, was high, once again indicating the usualoverlapping between anxiety and depression seen in most depression inventories. Thetest-retest values from a three and one half month time interval (one hundred twelvedays) are elevated (.71). Similarly, there appear to be significant gender differences forall the administered scales, with women obtaining the highest scores. A factorial analysisof the main axis revealed a principal factor for all of the constructed items in thisexperimental version of the T-Dep. The last, promax rotation showed two clear mainfactors similar in size: negative affectivity (Dysthymia) and positive affectivity (Euthymia)."

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