Digital transformation of healthcare through innovative business models: case of India

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20 mai 2021

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Nirjhar Nigam et al., « Digital transformation of healthcare through innovative business models: case of India », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.0wn5o5


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Even today, the majority of the Indian population does not have access to a quality health care system. To overcome this problem, entrepreneurs bring new ideas through technological progress and the use of social networks and mobile applications. In this article, the authors study 94 Indian healthcare startups launched between 2008 and 2019. The aim is to understand how these startups use innovative business models and how the digital transformation of the healthcare system is occurring. It emerges that new innovations (social networks, mobile applications, artificial intelligence and complex simulators) have made it possible to improve the connection between doctors and patients and that startups are revolutionizing the delivery of health care in India.

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