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"Background: A literature review reveals that there is no measure of job crafting available in Spanish. This paper presents the translation, adaptation and validation of a scale to measure job crafting behaviors (i.e. the Spanish Job Crafting Scale – SJCS; Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2012). Methods: The scale was applied to a sample of 896 employees in Spain (52.26% women and 47.4% men). We tested the reliability and factorial validity of the 21-item instrument. Results: After confirmatory factor analysis (CFI=.858, TLI= .838, IFI= .860, RMSEA= .067), the results show a structure consisting of four factors: Increasing structural job resources; Decreasing hindering job demands; Increasing social job resources; Increasing challenging job demands. These four factors demonstrate adequate reliability and evidence of validity with others scales that refer to Engagement at Work and Proactivity. Conclusion: The questionnaire may be a useful tool for the assessment of job crafting and for future research in Spanish speaking countries."

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