La « tragédie » de Judas. La légende de Judas d'après le manuscrit 1275 de la bibliothèque municipale de Reims

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The “Tragedy” of Judas : The Judas Legend in Manuscript 1275 in the Reims Municipal Library Medievalists are familiar with the Oedipal legend of Judas as it appeared in the Golden Legend by the Dominican monk Jacobus de Voragine. In the Middle Ages, this was one of the best-known versions of the traitor’s Vita. From the twelfth century, however, several other accounts circulated through the West. The Vita Jude Scarioth in Manuscript 1275 in Reims (at the end of the XIIIth century) was one of the longest and most elaborate versions of the Judas legend. The originality of this long prose narrative is in its wealth of descriptive and narrative detail. This version may have drawn on a variety of literary and vernacular traditions, and is evidence that Judas developed from an initially ill-defined presence to a fully-realized character, independent of the Gospels. In this text, Judas appears as more tortured than wicked, and his life becomes, in its own terms, a “tragedy”.

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