Claire Bidart et al., « Ouvrir les coulisses d'une recherche longitudinale sur les parcours de vie et les réseaux personnels: le panel de Caen (1995-2015) », Open Archive of Sciences Po (Paris), ID : 10670/1.12245d...
This article provides an insight into the development, implementation and use of a longitudinal panel survey on the links between life courses and personal networks, up to the point of making available the materials produced in the course of this research. The survey, known as the "Normandy Panel", was conducted between 1995 and 2015, the date of the 6th and last wave, i.e. over 20 years, in a context of gradual development of this type of approach. The originality of this survey lies not only in its duration, but also in its original questioning of the way in which life stages and events affect personal relationships and networks, and conversely, the influence of the network on life course orientations. It lies at the intersection of these two areas of sociology, has led to a strong interweaving of mixed qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis, and is likely to shed light on a very wide range of thematic issues. For these reasons, it seems important to make these data available for scientific research. This article explains the process by which this survey was conducted and shared, and demonstrates the importance of a dynamic approach to research processes.