La Maison des Deux Lions à Carthage

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16 octobre 2009

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Catherine Balmelle et al., « La Maison des Deux Lions à Carthage », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10670/1.12z9km


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The House of the Two Lions in Carthage, located in the so called Villas romaines neighborhood, within the insula comprised between the kardo X and the kardo XI, the decumanus V and the decumanus VI, was excavated between 1936 and 1938 by L. Gaillard under the supervision of Louis Poinssot. The house was never published. The archives of the Poinssot family now in possession of the Institut national des Arts of Paris, have delivered a precious documentation dating back to the period of the excavations. The plan of Carrère that includes the mosaic drawings and Poinssot' description of the mosaics at the time of their discovery allow to replace several figurative pavements of greatest iconographical interest (now exhibited at the Bardo and Carthage museums), and to understand in its entirely the mosaic décor of an important peristyle house in Carthage during the late vandal period

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