Éric Sabourin et al., « Agricultural policies under Bolsonaro », Problèmes d'Amérique latine, ID : 10670/1.1ad331...
The article discusses changes in Brazilian agricultural policies under the Jair Bolsonaro government. It mobilises three categories of analysis: political change, dismantling and deregulation of public policies. After an introduction setting out the problem and the framework for analysis, the text has three sections. The first deals with the dismantling of policies specific to family and peasant agriculture, the second with support for agribusiness demands, and the third examines some of the processes underway for Brazilian agriculture at the end of Jair Bolsonaro’s term (2019-2022). The study shows a strong food, social, economic and environmental degradation for the vast majority of family farms and a strengthening of the most predatory sectors of agribusiness.