Author's Response to H-Diplo/ISSF Article Review 118 on “Is Grand Strategy a Research Program? A Review Essay”

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9 juin 2019

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Thierry Balzacq et al., « Author's Response to H-Diplo/ISSF Article Review 118 on “Is Grand Strategy a Research Program? A Review Essay” », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral, ID : 10670/1.1c9495...


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We find it somewhat unusual to have a book review essay reviewed by another scholar. But we are pleased that H-Diplo chose to accord our piece “Is Grand Strategy a Research Program? A Review Essay,” this honor. We are also pleased that Dr. Nina Silove chose to devote the time and effort to this task.Unfortunately, we believe that her review misrepresents the nature of our original essay and mistakes our central concerns. We neither claimed nor intended to offer a full-fledged Lakatosian analysis (or for that matter alternative positions on IR and the philosophy of science) of a grand strategy research program...

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