Research howtos. Three fascicles for students, analysts and their supervisors

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5 juillet 2022


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Minh Ha-Duong, « Research howtos. Three fascicles for students, analysts and their supervisors », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.1g86ra


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Here is a compact handbook for learning and mastering the rules of quality in scholarly studies, based on more than thirty years of experience conducting interdisciplinary research, training Master and Doctoral students and supervising junior analysts.This handbook defines soft skills, the way of the researcher, in one-page practical notes covering all the need-to-know trade procedures. To learn about the fine art of data analysis, modelling, visualization, statistics or software engineering, you will find more specialised guidance elsewhere...This handbook shows how to conduct quality research at three levels: the article, the scientist, and the project team levels. Thus, the first fascicle explains how to write high-quality scholarly work. The second is about winning the reputation game. The third is aboutmanaging teams and research projects.

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