Wiki WPSS (web panel sample service for online comparative longitudinal surveys)

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  • handle:  10670/1.1nqso0
  • hal:  hal-03960295
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Geneviève Michaud et al., « Wiki WPSS (web panel sample service for online comparative longitudinal surveys) », Archive ouverte de Sciences Po (SPIRE), ID : 10670/1.1nqso0


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WPSS stands for Web Panel Sample Service. It is a web application paired with the Qualtrics survey platform to meet the specific needs of high quality cross-national web surveys. WPSS enables: - a centralised management of survey fielding orchestration (publishing, sending invites and reminders), - and decentralised and privacy-compliant handling of panelist data. WPSS has been specified and developped within the framework of SSHOC, the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud H2020, as part of the Work Package "Innovations in data production", led by ESS-ERIC. The software was developped by the CDSP's IT team at Sciences Po. Use cases can be found in the Social Sciences and Humanities but may extend to broader contexts as well. From October 2021 to June 2023, WPSS supports its first full-scale use case, within the frame of the European Social Survey for the web panel spinoff of ESS round 10, "Opinion Survey for (Country) "also known as the CRONOS-2 project.

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