Brote por Salmonella enteritidis en trabajadores de un hospital

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Salud Pública de México

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María Eugenia Chávez et al., « Brote por Salmonella enteritidis en trabajadores de un hospital », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.1uz9et


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"Objective. To describe and identify the causes of an outbreakof Salmonella enteritidis gastroenteritis that took placein June 1998, among tertiary care hospital workers, in MexicoCity. Material and methods. Cases were hospitalworkers who developed diarrhea or fever associated withgastrointestinal symptoms, after a meal at the hospital?sdining room on June eight; controls were asymptomatic employeeswho also ate at the hospital?s dining room on thesame day. A food questionnaire was applied, and stoolsamples were obtained from all study subjects, includingkitchen personnel. Blood cultures were practiced for febrilepatients. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals(95% CI) and the chi-squared were used for statistical analysis.Statistical significance was set at p< 0.05. Results. Onehundred-fifty-five workers developed symptoms, but only129 (83.2%) answered the questionnaire; 150 controls werealso studied. The most common symptoms were diarrhea(85%), abdominal pain (84%), cephalea (81.4%), nausea(78.3%), and chills (74.4%). Eight blood cultures were negative;59 stool cultures (46%) from cases and six (4%) fromcontrols, were positive for Salmonella enteritidis. Egg-covered"

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