Understand the city to act on the city: Scientific position and scientific projects ; Volume 2: Career - Detailed Curriculum Vitae - Scientific Annexes Comprendre la ville pour agir sur la ville: Volume 1 : Position et projets scientifiques ; Volume 2 : Parcours - Curriculum Vitae détaillé - Annexes scientifiques En Fr

Résumé En Fr

The content of the following HDR is underpinned by two complementary rationales : On one hand mobility schemes tend to change the social profiles of the territories involved with these mobility schemes. On the other hand the outcomes of urban policies aimed to be evaluated. The research is mainly focused on the urban system of the Paris metropolitan area. It puts particular attention to how evolve central spaces as well as urban fringes of the area, using both quantitative and qualitative data. The work presented in this HDR, is registered between two complementary logics. On a side, to better seize the plays of mobility which cross the urban territories and contribute to modify the social profiles of them, other, to evaluate the consequences of the urban policies Research relates essentially to the urban system of the metropolitan area of Paris, while sticking to the transformations of its central spaces like its urban fringes and by developing quantitative approaches like qualitative.The city is conceived as a “space of fluidity” where households – considered as micro actors – display residential strategies or tactics. Gentrification process versus impoverishment is the result of the uneven distribution of the spatial capital among the households. These processes are measured by public official statistics as well as unconventional sources. The city is apprehended as a space of fluidity where the tactics or the residential strategies of the micro-actors (who are the households) are spread. Their unequal spatial capital results in engaging of the processes of gentrification versus of impoverishment, apprehended by the data of the public statistics, but also by the recourse to non-conventional ones.Urban projects undertaken by the cities, the EPCI or the State lead to differentiate space. Redesigning such district has consequences on the social profile of the residents because it leads to re accommodating, social changes, new attractivity. In addition to the social outcomes of the projects, speeches of the urban developers are also questioned. The urban operations engaged by the cities, the EPCI or by the State contribute to differentiate space. To transform such district generates effects on the social profile of the populations resident : rehousings, social changes, new attractivity. In addition to the social consequences of the engaged activities, the speeches of the urban developers are also questioned.Following a territorial kinetics approach, our works seek to identify the factors of the gradual differentiation of territories. Because of the increasing demand of the territory actors - politicians, associations, firms - our works is also involved in the definition of the tools of the territorial engineering. Thus our works may help to act on the territories in the context of a fairer spatial justice.According to an approach of territorial kinetics, this work initially seeks to identify the factors of the progressive differentiation of the territories. Because of increasing request of the territorial actors, they in addition result in thinking of the tools of territorial engineering : to help to act on the territories and to improve the spatial justice.

Les travaux présentés dans cette HDR, s’inscrivent entre deux logiques complémentaires. D’un côté, mieux saisir les jeux de mobilité qui traversent les territoires urbains et contribuent à en modifier les profils sociaux, de l’autre, évaluer les conséquences des politiques urbaines. Les recherches portent pour l’essentiel sur le système urbain de la métropole parisienne, en s’attachant aux transformations de ses espaces centraux comme de ses franges urbaines et en développant des approches quantitatives comme qualitatives.La ville est appréhendée comme un espace de la fluidité où se déploient les tactiques ou les stratégies résidentielles des micro-acteurs que sont les ménages. L’inégal capital spatial dont ils disposent conduit à engager des processus de gentrification versus de paupérisation, appréhendés par les données de la statistique publique, mais également par le recours à des sources non conventionnelles.Les opérations urbaines engagées par les communes, les EPCI ou par l’Etat contribuent à différencier l’espace. Transformer tel quartier génère des effets sur le profil social des populations résidentes : relogements, mutations sociales, nouvelle attractivité. Outre les conséquences sociales des actions engagées, sont également interrogés les discours portés par les aménageurs.Selon une approche de cinétique territoriale, ces travaux cherchent d’abord à identifier les facteurs de la progressive différenciation des territoires. Du fait de la sollicitation croissante des acteurs territoriaux, ils conduisent par ailleurs à réfléchir aux outils de l’ingénierie territoriale : aider à agir sur les territoires, dans une perspective de plus grande justice sociale.

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