a arte rupestre da gruta do escoural – novos dados analíticos sobre a pintura paleolítica L'art rupestre de la grotte d'Escoural - nouvelles données analytiques sur la peinture Paléolithique En Fr

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Antonio Silva et al., « L'art rupestre de la grotte d'Escoural - nouvelles données analytiques sur la peinture Paléolithique », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10670/1.24fjnr


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Although is generally accepted the attribution of a Paleolithic chronology to the vestiges of painting discovered half a century ago in Escoural’s Cave, his archaeological study never went beyond stylistic-formal considerations, due the absence of evident archaeological contexts. In the context of a broader approach to analytical observations and records of Escoural art using new available technologies, it was for the first time possible to carry out a set of physic-chemical analyzes on the prehistoric pigments, the results of which are now presented and discussed.

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