Les précurseurs des céramiques almohades: les décors plastiques, incisés et estampés d’époque almoravide à Albalat (Cáceres, Espagne)

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Albalat (Extremadura, Spain) was located in the border area between Islam and the Christian kingdoms. The sitewas destroyed after its conquest in 1142, and its prompt desertion has made possible the preservation of a richmaterial record well contextualized in the first half of the 12th century. Different kinds of potteries (cooking pots, oillamps, jars, etc) are decorated with applied, incised and printed motifs, rarely combined with glaze layer. This set ofdecorative techniques are a feature of the local productions, as the petrographic results seem to pointed out. In spiteof its local peculiarities, this corpus is inscribed within general tendencies detected in al-Andalus and allows to reflecton the mechanisms of diffusion and evolution of Almoravid and Almohad artistic trends.

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