Inclusive Language and Non-binary Identities: Towards a Paradigm Change in Argentina

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Revista de Estudios de Género. La ventana

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Ludmila Elena Urtubey, « Inclusive Language and Non-binary Identities: Towards a Paradigm Change in Argentina », Revista de Estudios de Género. La ventana, ID : 10670/1.2a4ol0


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"In this paper we propose to address the problem of the traditional use of the masculine as 'unmarked' gender in Argentina, in relation to the urgent need to make visible those identities that self-perceive themselves sexually as non-binary, and that have the right to be recognized and named as such. For this purpose, we will put in dialogue certain hegemonic discourses, among which stands out that of the Real Academia Española Royal Spanish Academy with the theorizations of different authors who argue in favor of inclusive language and of the importance of embracing a paradigm shift that will eventually lead us to more inclusive ways of living with dissident identities that are outside the male/female binomial. Finally, we will propose a reflection on the importance of thinking about the transmission of knowledge in the educational field in Argentina, considering how crucial it is to be able to include in our speeches all those we address."

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