Self-training module and serious game for a flipped classroom about liquid-liquid extraction for future engineers in lifelong learning

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Marie Debacq, « Self-training module and serious game for a flipped classroom about liquid-liquid extraction for future engineers in lifelong learning », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.2afagh


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The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Cnam) is a public education institution dedicated to professional lifelong higher education established under the Convention in 1794 on a proposal by Abbe Henri Grégoire “to perfect national industry” and “illuminate the ignorance of he who does not know and the poverty of he who has no means of knowing”. Its mission is to provide continuing education open to all, anywhere.The Cnam chemical engineering team started to offer its distance learning program in 2003; since 2007 [1], 90% of the credits towards the engineering degree can be obtained at a distance; presence is compulsory only for experimental labs. Over the years, many tools have been tested [2], but until 2014 only traditional teaching practices were used. The first experiment of flipped classroom took place in fall 2014 and was about applied fluid mechanics [3,4].Flipped classrooms are the subject of numerous studies and research; including those of the famous professor Marcel Lebrun [5].The experiment described here took place in fall 2015 and relates to a liquid-liquid extraction course for engineers, using not only the flipped classroom but also a serious game (for learning the use of ternary diagrams).The self-training module and the serious game were developed with the publishing chain Scenari (Opale for the module and Topaze for the serious game). The module is inserted in the learning environment Moodle which allows the use of discussion forums and the development of rich quizzes. Virtual classrooms organized with AdobeConnect complete the system.The self-training module is precisely scripted and richly illustrated; this is achieved thanks to the highly structured Scenari-Opale publishing chain.Learners emphasize a more in-depth acquisition of knowledge and really appreciate doing the most difficult exercises with the teacher. Through such pedagogical methods, they acquire new skills, such as autonomy, cooperation, creativity and communication.Flipped classrooms require a true change of posture: the teacher becomes a guide and is no more the only one who knows; the learner becomes much more active and open.[1]Debacq M., 2007, "Vers la mise en place d'une offre complète de formation à distance en génie des procédés au Cnam : pragmatisme, efficacité et conséquences sur le présentiel", Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, n°96, article 514[2]Debacq M., 2013, "Pédagogie 2.0 : outils efficaces ou gadgets pour une formation en génie des procédés au Cnam ?", Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, n°104, article 120421[3]Debacq M., 2015, "A Flipped Classroom Experiment In The Context Of Lifelong Learning In Chemical Engineering", ECCE2015, Nice - France[4]Debacq M., 2015, "Scenari + Moodle = Self-training module for a flipped classroom in distance lifelong learning or in traditional teaching", AIChE2015, Salt Lake City - USA[5]Lebrun M., décembre 2014, "Essai de modélisation et de systémisation du concept de Classes inversées" Blog de Marcel -ées

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