Rethinking the macroeconomics of resource-rich countries

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avril 2018


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Rabah Arezki et al., « Rethinking the macroeconomics of resource-rich countries », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.2ctomm


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After years of high commodity prices, a new era of lower ones, especially for oil, seems likely to persist. This will be challenging for resource-rich countries, which must cope with the decline in income that accompanies the lower prices and the potential widening of internal and external imbalances. This column presents a new VOXEU eBook in which leading economists from academia and the public and private sector examine the shifting landscape in commodity markets and look at the exchange rate, monetary, and fiscal options policymakers have, as well as the role of finance, including sovereign wealth funds, and diversification.

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