The experience of complexity and uncertainty by pupils as part of a school education for sustainable development project L’expérience de la complexité et de l’incertitude par les élèves dans le cadre d’un projet d’éducation au développement durable à l’école En Fr

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22 septembre 2022

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Jean Yves Lena et al., « L’expérience de la complexité et de l’incertitude par les élèves dans le cadre d’un projet d’éducation au développement durable à l’école », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10.3917/spir.070.0125


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The main orientation of this collaborative research is to study how cycle 3 students (CM1-CM2) appropriate complex issues during a project activity in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Two questions will guide us: what are the characteristics of a complex thought constructed by the pupils ? How do students take uncertainty into account when projecting the future of the land ? During the yearly project, the pupils discovered this territory and studied it in the present (field trip) and in the past (archives and field trip), in order to determine the past and present dynamics. The pupils then imagined the evolution of a natural site (peat bog and forest) by projecting it into 2038.

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