Folklore text as an object of linguistic research

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1 février 2023

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Melahet Babayeva, « Folklore text as an object of linguistic research », Revista Universidad y Sociedad, ID : 10670/1.2ewrru


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Folklore is a term used to refer to the traditions, legends, myths, songs, dances, and other forms of cultural expression of a society or community. These forms of cultural expression are passed down from generation to generation and are an important part of a community's identity and history. Language is a fundamental part of folklore since it is through language that stories and traditions are transmitted. However, language can also be a form of cultural expression, as each community has its own language or dialect, which can be very different from the official language of the country or region in which it is located. In addition, in the language, there are specific words or phrases that are used only in the context of a community's folklore, and which can be very important for the transmission and maintenance of their traditions and customs. Considering this, the article presents a detailed analysis of the various approaches to the study of the folklore text as a linguistic object paying particular attention to the structural features of the cumulative text. The main result of the work is that we provide evidence that the study of cumulative folklore texts, in terms of their variability and their functional and stylistic features reveals the universal nature of their organization.

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