The Practices of Transportation Organization in Metropolitan Areas. The Grenoble Example Praktyki organizacji transportu w przestrzeniach metropolitarnych. Przykład Grenoble En Pl

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Kamila Tabaka, « The Practices of Transportation Organization in Metropolitan Areas. The Grenoble Example », HAL-SHS : architecture, ID : 10670/1.2gobzo


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The metropolitan development is based on the strategic urban resources localization and the transportation which enables to use those metropolitan resources. In order to guarantee the coherency and balanced development of the whole metropolitan area, at the beginning of the 21st century the more and more interest is put on the new, qualitative town and metropolitan planning based on short distances. Three examples of actions in favor of transportation issues in Grenoble metropolitan area are proposed, which show not only the functional, but primarily the strategic role of thinking about daily mobility and spatial organization: the axis contract, the axis-organization of urban transportation network and the „small scale” actions.

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