Una experiencia de enseñanza de la teoría antropológica

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MARTA A. CRIVOS et al., « Una experiencia de enseñanza de la teoría antropológica », Alteridades, ID : 10670/1.2nr5mm


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"A pedagogical experience started in the only Anthropology Teaching Center in Argentina where this discipline is considered within the frame of Natural Sciences, is presented. Although there are three well defined specialization areas: biological, archaeological and socio-cultural; with few articulation points among each other, students and graduates at La Plata Museum share a certain "family resemblance" wich makes them different from their colleagues at other centers in the country. This may be due to strictly local features of their training asnaturalist-anthropologist according to scientificity as well as theoretical-methodological patterns ruling the natural-scientific task in different stages of institucional history. Anthropologist have been teaching and researching in this environment for decades, in close contact with colleagues of different branches of Natural Sciences.Taking into account the characteristics of this local tradition, which has become a relevant alternative both nationally and internationally, we aim at exploring theoretical-methodological assumptions underlying the disciplinary task in the three specialization areas and their possible interrelations. Afterwards, we inten to characterize the conceptual models wich have guided the production and reproduction of anthropological knowledge at the Natural Sciences School and Museum of La Plata, identifying trends and possible ways of development."

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