On the one hand, excessive workload; on the other, lack of concentration: the relationship between teachers and students from private and public school in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic

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26 décembre 2023

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Fabíola de Carvalho Leite Peres et al., « On the one hand, excessive workload; on the other, lack of concentration: the relationship between teachers and students from private and public school in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic », Anuário Antropológico, ID : 10670/1.2s0srf


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Emergency remote teaching observed from 2020 to 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, reverberates questions beyond this extraordinary time frame when seen from the perspective of students and educators of a state school and a private school in Porto Alegre/RS, and additional situated knowledge. The ethnographic research, conducted in two main stages – interviews with teaching teams and participant observations of synchronous classes –, identified factors that until the pandemic were not at the center of reflections on educational inequality (technological, family, emotional, and domestic infrastructure), together with different behaviors, personalities, languages, and cultural references depending on the student’s social class and gender. From the point of view of educational professionals, the harsh reality of educators in public institutions (accumulation of subjects, extensive workload, and triple shifts) was compounded by discoveries concerning the teacher-student relationship and online methodological choices.

O ensino remoto emergencial, observado de 2020 a 2021 durante a pandemia de Covid-19, sob a perspectiva de estudantes e educadores de uma escola pública e uma escola privada de Porto Alegre/RS, além de saberes situados, reverbera questionamentos para fora deste marco temporal extraordinário. A pesquisa etnográfica, realizada em duas etapas principais - entrevistas com equipes pedagógicas e observações participantes de aulas síncronas - identificou fatores que, até a pandemia, não estavam no centro das reflexões acerca da desigualdade educacional (tecnológicos, familiares, emocionais e de infraestrutura doméstica), além de comportamentos, personalidades, linguagens e referências culturais diferentes de acordo com a classe social e o gênero do estudante. Do ponto de vista dos profissionais educacionais, à realidade dura das educadoras da instituição pública (acúmulo de disciplinas, extensa carga horária de trabalho e triplas jornadas) se somaram descobertas sobre o relacionamento professor-aluno e escolhas metodológicas online.

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