Carriage of antibiotic-resistant pneumococci in a cohort of a daycare center

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Salud Pública de México

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Romeo S. Rodríguez et al., « Carriage of antibiotic-resistant pneumococci in a cohort of a daycare center », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.2sagw7


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"Objective. To define epidemiologic relationships to determinethe prevalence and potential risk factors for nasopharyngealcolonization by antibiotic-resistant pneumococci,their serotypes and their antibiotic susceptibility patternsin children attending a daycare center (DCC). Material andMethods. A prospective cohort study was conducted amongchildren (n=53) attending the DCC at Hospital Infantil deMéxico Federico Gómez, which is staffed by 20 employees.Patients were enrolled in the study during a two-year periodfrom September 1997 to September 1999. All the participantswere followed prospectively, swabbing them everyfour months. The strains recovered were typed and screenedfor susceptibility to several antibiotics. The daycare recordswere reviewed also. Odds ratios and fisher’s exact test:or chi square test of significance were computed fromcontingency tables as appropriate. Exact 95% confidence intervalswere computed for odds ratios. Data analysis wasperformed using Epi statistics program version 6.04 a.Results. Pneumococci were recovered from 45/53 of theinfants at one or more visits. A total of 178 isolates werecarried. The carriage rate was 47%. Only 7 adults acquiredpneumococci during the study. Types 6,14,19 and 23 wereprevalent and represented 77% of the total. Antibioticresistantstrains were higher to penicillin and erythromycin.Conclusions. Children were frequent carriers ofpneumococci, the rate of carriage was high in infancy andtended to decrease with age. The types commonly carriedby children were the same as those causing invasive disease.There is a high proportion of carriers with antibiotic-resistantS. pneumoniae strains. Children who have had frequentantimicrobial courses are at particular risk. The Englishof this paper is available too at:"

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