Une grammaire de l’hébreu moderne

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17 septembre 2007

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Sophie Kessler-Mesguich, « Une grammaire de l’hébreu moderne », Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem, ID : 10670/1.2wuy0x


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An Modern Hebrew Grammar: some Preliminary Remarks. – Twenty eight years ago, when I began to study Hebrew, the French students had at their disposal several grammars describing the language of the Bible, but there was no reference grammar for modern (or, according to Rosén’s appellation, Israeli) Hebrew. The linguists –H. B. Rosén, H. Blanc– who described in the fifties and sixties the characteristics of modern Hebrew were strongly criticized by purists, who wanted to keep the development of the new language inside the norms of classical language. Nowadays, spoken Hebrew is thoroughly studied by linguists, but there is still no modern Hebrew grammar in Hebrew – neither in French. The aim of this paper is to present our « Grammaire de l’hébreu moderne » project, which is supported by the CRFJ, and to discuss preliminary subjects such as the name of the described language – modern, contemporary, Israeli; the norms to be described; standard Hebrew and linguistic varieties; terminology.

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