The nature of human nature: Christ's resurrected body as the theological response to the mind/brain problem

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1 janvier 2020

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Cerebrum Mind

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André C. Pieterse, « The nature of human nature: Christ's resurrected body as the theological response to the mind/brain problem », Stellenbosch Theological Journal, ID : 10670/1.2zd9bp


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This article will argue from a Scriptural viewpoint that human nature is not reducible to a set of individual physical characteristics but is embodied and all the qualities of being human are mutually dependent. The substance for this statement is rooted in the biblical confession about the characteristics of the resurrected Body of Christ. This premise could assist the sciences in their quest to define human nature, specifically relating to the mind/brain problem. In addition, it could contribute to the need for consilience and lead scientific research into a more comprehensive understanding of the human mind and brain and its embedded nature.

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