Adaptação intercultural para português europeu do questionário “Conocimiento del Paciente sobre sus Medicamentos” (CPM-ES-ES)

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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

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Joaquín Salmerón Rubio et al., « Adaptação intercultural para português europeu do questionário “Conocimiento del Paciente sobre sus Medicamentos” (CPM-ES-ES) », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.37993e


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"The scope of this work is to conduct the cross-cultural adaptation from Spanish to European Portuguese of a questionnaire to measure the degree of “Patient Knowledge about their Medications” (CPM-ES-ES). A method based on six steps was applied: 1. Translation into Portuguese, 2. Elaboration of the first consensus version in Portuguese; 3.Back-translation into Spanish; 4. Elaboration of the second consensus version (cultural equivalency); 5. Conducting the pre-test; 6. Evaluation of the overall results. A cross-culturally adapted questionnaire in European Portuguese that measures the degree of “Patient Knowledge about their Medications” is proposed. The pretest confirmation obtained 100% agreement with the corrected version of the second consensus version after pre-testing. The methodology selected made it possible to cross-culturally adapt the Spanish version of the CPM-ES-ES questionnaire to the Portuguese version. Further studies should demonstrate the equivalence of the psychometric properties of the cross-cultural translation into Portuguese with the original version."

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