Martin Ringot et al., « « Si par une nuit d’été un game designer… » : un cas de mise en espace ludique d’Italo Calvino : Entre spatialisation thématique et ludoformation stylistique », Les Cahiers du numérique, ID : 10670/1.3dc0d6...
The aim of this article is to question the possibility of intersemiotic translation of a literary style through the analysis of a corpus of games from a series of game jams dedicated to the Italian author Italo Calvino. Through the study of each game created during this event, we explore the modalities by which the author’s stylistic elements are translated into the videogame grammar. The aim of this study is to ask how game designers appropriate this author and, consequently, how the ludoformation of an author’s work takes place when the themes that characterize him are less relevant than the style that identifies him.