Metropolisation, urbanisation and the impacts of climate change in the Siberian Arctic. Can we really talk about adaptation?

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10 juin 2024

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Sébastien Gadal, « Metropolisation, urbanisation and the impacts of climate change in the Siberian Arctic. Can we really talk about adaptation? », HAL-SHS : géographie, ID : 10670/1.3ebcuc


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In this seminar, we will present the remote sensing and geosimulation approaches that have been put in place to study the massive territorial transformation processes affecting the Siberian Arctic in a dual context: global warming and globalisation. Models combining spatial imagery, field measurements, massive data processing and simulations have been set up to map the dynamics of permafrost, forest fires, urbanisations, risk expositions, etc., and their consequences. The impacts of permafrost and debacle flooding should play a role in territorial adaptation processes and planning. But this is not the case. Other adaptation logics have been put in place.

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