In Praise of Abundance: Why Individuals Matter in Design Science

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27 juin 2013

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David Wastell, « In Praise of Abundance: Why Individuals Matter in Design Science », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-642-38862-0_36


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The Platonic quest for universal principles dominates the mainstream of IS research, typically relegating individual differences to the error term as pet theories and derived hypotheses are put to the statistical test. In design science, this neglect of “particulars” is especially egregious as it wastes valuable information about individuals and their interactions with technology. I present a case study of the design of adaptive automation, which shows how critical such information can be when designing complex IT-based systems. The obsession with theory has gone too far, I conclude; it is time to fight back against the tyranny of universals.

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