Situations of Fragility as Theological Loci of Second Announcement

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Lumen Vitae






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Enzo Biemmi, « Situations of Fragility as Theological Loci of Second Announcement », Lumen Vitae, ID : 10670/1.3r2ohm


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Starting from the current situation of the pandemic, the article presents the dimension of fragility as a favourable place for a personal and social surge of humanity, as an opportune time for the rediscovery of the good news of the Gospel, as an experience that gives profound meaning to those who give their lives for the witness of faith and mission.We live a paradox: we are fragile and therefore human. We experience the fragility of the body: we need care, we are exposed to the blows of life, we are mortal. We experience vulnerability in relationships: we can be hurt and hurt others, even without meaning to. We are fallible, exposed to the risk of being misguided, of wasting our existence. And yet it is precisely this condition of weakness that opens us up to relationship, to solidarity, to compassion.The Gospel contains a word of hope at the heart of our fragility. Christmas and Easter tell us how Jesus Christ experienced our fragility, how he went through it to the point of death, so that death would not have the last word for anyone. This is the Gospel of fragility.Paul of Tarsus reminds us that the apostle is the one who keeps a treasure in a clay pot. The mission of those who give their lives for the Gospel lives from this paradox: the power of God is manifested in the weakness of their witnesses.

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