Granulation and layering: Xenakis's Polytopes and Moholy Nagy's Light-Space Modulator Colloque International : De Xenakis à nos jours : Le Continuum et son développement en musique et en architecture 0 1

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14 juin 2016

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Maria Hadjivasili et al., « Granulation and layering: Xenakis's Polytopes and Moholy Nagy's Light-Space Modulator », Centre Iannis Xenakis (CIX), ID : 10670/1.3r5tdo


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This paper looks at how sound, light and shadow performances could be achieved by the method of granulation and layering as demonstrated by the work of Iannis Xenakis and Laszlo Moholy Nagy. The similarities as well as the differences in the two approaches are suggestive of the potentialities of such a design methodology.

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