Véronique Moulinié, « Andropause et ménopause : la sexualité sur ordonnance », Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, ID : 10670/1.4009e0...
The invention of the female menopause in the nineteenth century and of the male menopause in the latter part of the twentieth century resulted in greater medical attention being paid to ageing male and female bodies and in particular to sexuality at this stage in life. If this medical coup d’état was so successful, it was because it benefited from very active support from women and from the inability of men to resist it. It was also because it fitted well into the prolongation of very ancient social practices which it legitimized. Far from relaxing, this medical control has been positively strengthened. Men, who long attempted, without great success, to escape such supervision, have today ended up submitting to it, implicitly accepting the entire silent discourse concerning the supposed decline of their virility.