Digital Simulation and Experimental Models : the Experience of the Sauveterre Fish Pass

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Fish Pisces

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Magali de Cachard et al., « Digital Simulation and Experimental Models : the Experience of the Sauveterre Fish Pass », Journées de l'hydraulique, ID : 10670/1.41aoxi


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The restoration of the fish migration route is a major challenge. On the Rhône, the creation of a fish pass on the Sauveterre barrage appears to be the main priority in the context of the migratory fish management plan in the Rhône-Mediterranean basin. A study of current patterns allowing an examination of the pass entrance and exit was carried out on a physical model at a scale of 1/ 30. The flow in the slot fish pass is around 2 m ³ / s. For the pass to be attractive, an additional 8 m ³ / s attraction flow is needed. This flow is turbined by a Micro Hydropower Plant (MHP). This ancillary structure however imposes an additional constraint. To allow good fish management operation the velocities which reach 6.3 m/ s at the exit from the draft tube downstream of the MHP must be only 0.4 m/ s 10 m downstream, at the connection to the fish pass. To meet this constraint, a dissipation system has been put in place to break the jet and to homogenise velocities over the entire section. This system, comprising vertical staggered beams and fins, is positioned downstream of the MHP and was designed with the help of a 3D digital model and a physical model at a scale of 1/ 10.

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