Perceptions and uses of the built legacies of the socialist period in Iaşi and Timişoara (Romania): to enhance the ordinary?

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4 septembre 2023

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Amandine Dargaud, « Perceptions and uses of the built legacies of the socialist period in Iaşi and Timişoara (Romania): to enhance the ordinary? », HAL-SHS : géographie, ID : 10670/1.44y26y


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This presentation proposes a reflection on the values attributed or not to the built legacies of the socialist period in the postsocialist Romanian context. From an aesthetic point of view, only some architects or Western tourists seem to recognize the value of the modernist architecture. Indeed, often ordinary, especially in medium-size cities such as Iaşi and Timişoara, the buildings inherited from the socialist period are not very appreciated by local residents. At least at first glance: through interviews and street surveys, the inhabitants expressed both functional interest and emotional attachment to these buildings. Ordinary socialist built legacies thus invite to rethink the common way of thinking about heritage.

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