The Ramon T-7433/Maña C2 b amphorae from the Strait of Gibraltar area (2 nd–1 st centuries B. C.). An updated snapshot

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1 juin 2017

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Antonio Sáez Romero et al., « The Ramon T-7433/Maña C2 b amphorae from the Strait of Gibraltar area (2 nd–1 st centuries B. C.). An updated snapshot », HAL-SHS : histoire, ID : 10670/1.48oqp3


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The T-7433 amphora type is a seemingly well-known series manufactured in several workshopsof the Strait of Gibraltar region. These workshops were located in former Phoenicianand Punic settlements, both in Iberia and Mauritania. The type shows morphological featureslinked with coeval Carthaginian amphora repertories. However, with their production chronologydating to the period between 150 and 50 B.C., this group of transport vessels was solelyproduced in Roman times, and it was a “late Punic” production characteristic for the Strait ofGibraltar area. As such, this item can be considered a key indicator for the study of culturaland economic transformations in the 2nd and 1st centuries B. C., which are generally referredto as “Romanization”. A growing set of archaeological data are available regarding the manufacturepatterns and economic importance of the T-7433 type. However, recent discoverieshave provided new evidence and greatly modified the previous typological and historical picturedrawn for this ancient container. This contribution aims to present and discuss fresh data,while engaging in a renewed vision on this specific transport amphora series. In particular, wefocus on the existence of several regional typological variants of this amphora – illustrated bydistinct local features – and the connection of these micro-regional types with the transformationsof local economic strategies and ceramic infrastructures connected with the region’s gradualintegration into the Roman world.

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