Thinking About the ‘Mind’ in Digital Humanities : Apple, Turing and Lovelace

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Claire Clivaz, « Thinking About the ‘Mind’ in Digital Humanities : Apple, Turing and Lovelace », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.4huix7


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This article introduces an underestimated concept in Digital Humanities emergence history: the mind. Following Milad Doueihi suggestion, it revisits Alan Turing article (1950) as a milestone in the DH genealogy. The mind appears here as the key-concept, at stake in the confrontation of Turing with Ada Lovelace. The article demonstrates that the mind has to be considered in connection with the brain, the spirit and the ‘unthought’ (see Katherine Hayles and Nathalie Sarraute). The mind appears at the end of the inquiry as a place to keep together the physical brain and the poetical dimension, illustrated by the spirit. An example of the perception of the Apple logo, presented in Introduction and Conclusion, underlines that unthought elements are always present in a cultural context

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