Job creation and economic impact of renewable energy in Netherlands

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Tatyana Bulavskaya et al., « Job creation and economic impact of renewable energy in Netherlands », Archive ouverte de Sciences Po (SPIRE), ID : 10.1016/j.renene.2017.09.039


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This study evaluates the economic impact of a shift towards renewable electricity mix in the Netherlandsusing the neo-Keynesian CGEM ThreeME (Multi-sector Macroeconomic Model for the Evaluation ofEnvironmental and Energy policy). This scenario has been inspired by the Urgenda's report ‘Energy 100%Sustainable in the Netherlands by 2030’, which have been quantified using the Energy Transition Model(ETM) developed by Quintel. Using the output of the ETM regarding the change in the electricity generation shares as input in ThreeME, we derive the impact in terms of key economic variables (GDP,employment, investment, value-added, prices, trade, tax revenue, etc.). We find that transition torenewable energy may have a positive impact on the Dutch economy, creating almost 50 000 new jobsby 2030 and adding almost 1% of gross domestic product

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