Marta Vaculínová, « The Forthcoming Czech Volumes of Europa humanistica: Editors and their Quotations Strategies »

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9 juin 2021

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Marie-Elisabeth Boutroue, « Marta Vaculínová, « The Forthcoming Czech Volumes of Europa humanistica: Editors and their Quotations Strategies » », Europa humanistica, ID : 10670/1.50bmwx


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The paper presents two volumes of the Europa humanistica series, prepared for publication by a Czech team within the framework of a project supported by the Czech Science Foundation. They focus on editors and translators from Prague (Řehoř Hrubý of Jelení, Václav Písecký) and Olomouc (Ioannes Dubravius) as well as on the activities of editors working abroad, specifically in the circle of the university of Leipzig (Paulus Niavis / Schneevogel, Ioannes Honorius Cubitensis). The volumes cover th...

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