First contribution of paleoparasitology to the studyof coprolites from the Neolithic site Serteya II (NW Russia)

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août 2021

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Céline Maicher et al., « First contribution of paleoparasitology to the studyof coprolites from the Neolithic site Serteya II (NW Russia) », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral, ID : 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103093


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Paleoparasitological analysis was performed on a set of ten coprolites recovered during excavations of the Neolithic site Serteya II (NW Russia). Eggs of four gastrointestinal parasite taxa were identified, namely the fish tapeworm genus Diphyllobothrium, the giant kidney worm Dioctophyma renale, and two trematode taxa, including the liver lancet fluke genus Dicrocoelium. The diversity of parasites enables us to discuss the biological origin of the studied material, which can be attributed to carnivores, probably to canids. This is only the second record of ancient parasites in this part of the world for the Neolithic period and our results are consistent with those from the first study. They contribute to highlighting relationships between humans and animals, and show how environments and human activities can induce parasite transmission.

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