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C. Carvalho et al., « Comparative analyses of dynamical and kinematic variables of different vertical jumps », Motricidade, ID : 10670/1.57536f...
The main aims of this preliminary study were: (i) to assess a group of relevant dynamical and kinematical variables to study the vertical jump; (ii) to analyse the differences between vertical jumps with and without counter-movement, based on the abovementioned variables (Stretch Shortening Cycle - SSC versus no SSC) and between different SSCs (longSSC versus shortSSC); (iii) to establish the relations between neuromuscular factors gained during the vertical jumps analysed. Nine students of the 4th year of the Physical Education and Sport Course, without relevant sports history, performed five times each type of jump [squat jump (SJ), counter-movement jump (CMJ) and drop jump (DP)]. The best jump of each subject in SJ, CMJ and DP was selected, according to the maximal height accomplished. Dynamical and kinematical data were acquired with a force plate AMTI BP2416 with a 1000 Hz of frequency and 2 video cameras JVC9800 with a 100 Hz, being the data analysed with the Software SimiMotion 6.1, using the adapted gravity centre model of Dempster. The results pointed out differences in the performance between different jumps. The maximal height was 48, 44 and 42 cm in the CMJ, DJ and SJ, respectively. Thus, the SSC jumps presented best results in relation to the no SSC jumps. Concerning the displacement, a difference between the longSSC and shortSSC was noticed. The DJ presented a lower decrease of the centre of mass and a difference of 22.8 cm to the CMJ was found. Significant differences between the no SSC jump (SJ) and the SSC jumps in the beginning of the propelling phase were observed. For example, at null velocity, SJ showed only 944 N (corresponding almost to the weight of the subject) and in CMJ and DJ the force was 2.5 and 3.5 times higher. The duration of the lift phase, as expected, was lower in the shortSSC. Concerning the force and muscular power, an increase in the SJ, CMJ and DJ was verified: peak force of 2188, 2131 and 3577 N and mean power of 1977, 2200 and 2884 W, respectively. With this study we attempted to associate dynamical and kinematic data to vertical jump performance, analysing the relations between the variables of cause-effect and the jump performance. The relations described in previous studies (e.g. Bobbert, Gerritsen, Litjens, & Van Soest, 1996) were verified considering jumps with and without SSC and between longSSC and shortSSC.