How to input text on smartwatches? When the screen is tiny, a 3-key keypad is better than a full keyboard

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7 mai 2016

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Franck Poirier, « How to input text on smartwatches? When the screen is tiny, a 3-key keypad is better than a full keyboard », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.5c862b


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Text entry is face to a new challenge with the Internet of Things wave. Connected objects have very few resources and especially a tiny screen. Obviously, full keyboard or keyboard using a lot of resources are not well suited. In this position paper, we propose a minimum 3-key keypad to text entry on connected objects. We argue that using 3 keys is a right approach to improve the transfer of thoughts into writing according to all the theoretical models and laws in HCI.

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